I nostri partner europei
Jaunuoli Dienos Centras - Lituania
Youth Day Care Centre is a social service institution that was established in 1996 by Panevezys Town Council.
It provides day activities for disabled youngster’s severe and moderate physical and intellectual impairment over 18 years of age. These activities include small work tasks, drama, art, IT and informal education.
It also provides social care for our clients. Itsrmission is to foster the uniqueness of each person while working towards the integration of disabled people into society. It gives a lot of importance to links with the community and organize special activities such as a theatre festival, sport competitions and Christmas activities.
Youth Day Care Centre is constantly seeking to develop through professional staff development, creating new activities that lead to development opportunities for disabled people and cooperating with organizations in other countries, adopting good practice from abroad.
At the moment the institution joins 50 users with various types and degrees of disabilities: users with mentally, mobility, speech problems and long term diseases. The age of users is 18-40 years.
Youth Day Care Centre:
- organizes educational, cultural, sporting activities and social events
- offers free of charge transportation with adapted vans, free of charge use of modern computer technology and internet access, free of charge photocopying and enlarging educational materials, organizing personal assistance
- offers advice and help related to educational, vocational and living matters
It collects information on educational and living conditions of disabled students and make efforts to improve them. It raises public awareness about issues related to people with mental disabilities and encourage positive change for all disabled people.
Youth Day Care Centre cooperates with similar organizations home and abroad.
European Centre in Training for Employment - Greece
Ecte – European Centre in Training for Employment is a training institute specialised in Lifelong Learning programs aiming to update adult’s professional skills.
The educational programs that Ecte develops and implement targeting in the adaptation of the working force to the transformations of the technological, socio-economic and physical environment, the promotion of regional development, the improvement of the existing and the acquisition of new qualifications, and the exchange of experience and know-how in national and international level.
The main activity areas are the planning and elaboration of projects for the development of human resources, which integrate innovation and European dimension, are based on dynamic partnerships and pursue synergy and quality in results.
The main activity sectors are:
- Implementation of training programs
- Elaboration of researches and studies (training need analysis, market researches) related to the needs of the labour market
- Planning and development of international European projects related with the local development, employment and social cohesion
Training Programs department activity is the development and implementation of continuing vocational training programs for unemployed people, employees and self-employed, in the following thematic fields:
- Finance & Administration
- Health & Welfare
- Information
- Technical & Transport
- Tourism
- Agricultural Occupations
- Environment
- Culture & Sports Moreover, Ecte organize and implements training seminars on professional specialities, such as the following
Mep Europrojects Granada (Mobility European Projects Granada) - Spain
Mep Europrojects Granada (Mobility European Projects Granada) is a private training organisation mainly aimed at training activities (supportive training courses for primary and secondary school students and foreign language courses) and to collaborate within Erasmus+ and former Leonardo da Vinci Mobility IVT, PLM and VETPRO projects.
Mep Europrojects Granada is an organisation made up of a highly qualified and experienced team of professionals with a large experience in training activities and in participating in European Mobility projects from more than nine years with countries all around Europe and from the most varied fields:
- education and teaching
- tourism, hotel and catering, bar and restaurant service
- technical specialities
- international commerce, bakery, confectionery
- social and health care
- beauty and hairdressing
- foreign languages study and teaching
- IT and computing, administration and management
- international relations and cooperation
- video production and postproduction sector
- library and many more…
Mep Europrojects Granada organises together with Promoter/Sending organisation all aspects related to the preparation, submission and implementation of their Erasmus projects. Mep Europrojects Granada organises complete programme of Study visits for VET Staff projects of any field and/or a programme of training placements for all kind of students from most of the specialities. Additionally, it provides all project participants with Certificates accrediting their acquired knowledge and competences as well as Certificates accrediting the Spanish courses attended and of course, to issue the Europass certificates.
Yit - Your International Training Mallow - Ireland
At the heart of Your International Training Mission is the EU objective of the Erasmus+ Programme, the easy transfer of skills and the mobility of labour across the European Union. With this aim Yit plans to prepare and disseminate projects that have real outcomes. Many of Yit former trainees have acquired work in Ireland as a result of Yit placement, training and monitoring program. Many more still in college have acquired summer work as a result of the value they have added to the companies in which they were placed.
Your International Training premium circle of host families works to integrate the trainee into the environment where they encourage to participate in the language and culture of the country where their skills have honoured even further. Yit works and partners with all European projects, and provides preparatory english courses for work placements. Classes concentrate on the listening and speaking skills which prepare candidates to work in a English language speaking environment. Yit co-operates with teachers, trainers and professionals. Designing seminars, workshops and training days in order to facilitate the objectives of the European mobility projects.